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Library Notice
Report Type
Please login your library account to find the item information.
Please login your library account to find the item information.
Please login your library account to find the item information.

Note: Item still kept in patron record until patron settled the payment.

If the item is found, the processing fee (HK$100) will still be charged and the overdue fine will be calculated up to the date the item is officially returned.

I agree to abide by all Rules, Regulations and Policies of Lingnan University Library, Terms and Conditions of this form, and Personal Information Collection Statement, and to take full responsibility for any damage or loss of library materials and unsettled fines. 
I, the undersigned, understand that I am responsible for any loss / damage to items charged out. The cost of replacement with an additional processing cost (HK$100) plus any accumulated fine will be charged. (*Payment will be collected after the replacement invoice is issued.) 
Captcha challenge
1 + 17 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.