In addition to the subscribed databases to support your learning, teaching and research needs, the Library also works with different content providers to arrange short-term trials of new and potential databases. Staff and students are encouraged to use and evaluate these databases during the trial period by filling in the feedback form. Subscription would be considered depending on different factors of budget and your evaluation results.
- FactSet Revere - Trial and Sample (until 28 February 2025)
- 全國報刊索引 (until 26 January 2025)
- 晚清期刊全文數據庫 (1816~1911)
- 中文期刊全文數據庫 (1911~1949) 第4-13輯
- 中國近代中英文報紙全文數據庫
- 中國近代圖書全文數據庫 (1833~1949)
- 中國近代中文期刊專題庫
Databases on Trial | Trial Period | Feedback Form |
FactSet Revere - Trial and Sample (access via WRDS) FactSet Revere specialty datasets offer a detailed mapping of company multi-industry exposures and competitors (Hierarchy, Hierarchy with Revenue, and RBICS); customers, suppliers, partners and competitors (Supply Chain Relationships); standardized revenues by geography (“GeoRev” Geographic Revenue Exposure). * The trial includes limited data only. |
On trial until 28 February 2025 | Feedback Form |
1. 晚清期刊全文數據庫 (1816~1911):收錄了1816~1911年間出版的600餘種中、英、法文期刊,幾乎囊括了晚清出版的所有期刊,如《女學報》《新小說》《東方雜誌》等中文期刊和《亞洲雜誌》《通報》等西文期刊。 2. 中文期刊全文數據庫 (1911~1949) 第4-13輯:收錄了1911~1949期間出版的期刊20000餘種,囊括文學、金融、畫報、大學校刊、地方報刊等多種類別。 3. 中國近代中英文報紙全文數據庫:收錄千餘種近代中英文報紙,包括《申報》《大公報》《中央日報》《民國日報》等知名大報、《晶報》《福爾摩斯》《遊戲報》等上圖特色小報以及《順天時報》《京報》《晨報》等重要地方報紙。 4. 中國近代圖書全文數據庫 (1833~1949):收錄12萬餘種近代圖書。 5. 中國近代中文期刊專題庫:文學、電影、紅色專題:分別收錄近代文學期刊278種、電影期刊325種和紅色期刊172種。 |
On trial until 26 January 2025 | Feedback Form |