All HKALL and Partners / Interlibrary Loan Services must comply with the copyright laws of Hong Kong. Under the fair-dealing exemption, all items requested from Interlibrary Loan must be used for purposes of research or private study only.

✎ When making an Interlibrary Loan / photocopying request, a requester must declare that the requested material will be used for private research purpose only.

✎ Any excessive copying of a book is not allowable under the prevailing Copyright Ordinance of Hong Kong. In those circumstances, interlibrary loan of the book will be arranged. For your easy reference, usually copying more than one chapter or 10% of a book is not acceptable.

✎ Only one article in the same issue of the journal can be photocopied and supplied. "Copy supplied for private research only" will be stamped on the photocopies supplied.

✎ When making an Interlibrary Loan / photocopying request, a requester must declare that the requested material will be used for private research purpose only.

✎ Any copying for more than one chapter or ten percent of a book will not be accepted. In those circumstances, interlibrary loan of the book will be arranged.

✎ Only one article in the same issue of the journal can be photocopied and supplied. "Copy supplied for private research only" will be stamped on the photocopies supplied.
The Lingnan University Library reserves the right to refuse any request on grounds of copyright violation.
Please visit HKALL and Partners Service Page for details of the service.