To support the University’s pursuit of research excellence and knowledge transfer, the Library aims to foster productive partnership with faculties and units to support all Lingnan academics and students, from planning research projects to disseminating research outputs. The library has designed a suite of services for every stage of research lifecycle.
3. Disseminate
1. Plan
1. Plan
- Research Consultation Service
- Workshops
- Electroinc Theses & Dissertations
- Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) and Partners
2. Publish
- Digital Publishing Service
- ORCID @ Lingnan Registration Service
- Copyright
- Open Access
- Referencing & Citation
3. Disseminate
- Support for Lingnan Scholars
- Featured Publications of Lingnan Researchers
- Lingnan-authored Monograph Booklet
- RGC Publication Gateway
4. Impact
Introduction Video to Lingnan Library Research Support Services