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Library Notice

Overdue fines will be incurred for late check-in library materials, please refer to the rate below for different types of Library items.

Items Fines Rate
Books & CD-ROMS
HKALL and Partners
AV & Multimedia Materials
Bound Journals
AV & Multimedia: Hourly type
Course Reserves - 3 Hours
Reference, Unbound Journals
CD-ROM Databases, Special Collections*
Course Reserves - 2 & 7 Days $5/day
Equipment on Loan $50/day

*Library-Use-Only CD-ROMs checked out at Service Counter, e.g. HK Law Report

Library fines can now be paid via the Library Online Payment System (login required) using your Credit Card, You may also come to the Service Counter to settle the Library fines by Octopus Card. Cash and cheque are NOT accepted.

Other important notes:

  • A 3-day grace period will be granted for all Lingnan University staff and students to check in overdue Library items with the Initial Checkout Period of 15 days or more. No fines penalty would be imposed for items checked in within the grace period. Items checked in after the grace period will be fined from the original due date.
  • Please refer to the service hours of the Service Counter in the Library Opening Hours.
  • If your library account has any service blocks or fines reaching HK$30, your library account will be blocked. The suspension includes all entitled library privileges, including checking out and renewal (including automatic renewal) of library materials, use of electronic resources, and access to other Library resources through JULAC Libraries You should settle all fines before resuming your checkout privileges.
  • Users are warmly reminded to clear any outstanding fines (and checkouts) before graduation, suspension or withdrawal of studies, staff exit clearance and/or expiration of library membership, to avoid any suspension of library privileges and withheld of graduation certificates from the Registry.