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Library Notice

Lingnan Data Repository - Deposit, publish, and share your research data

To support data sharing among Lingnan researchers, the Library has established an institutional open access data repository – Lingnan Data Repository. This platform provides a secure environment for the Lingnan research community to deposit, publish, and share their research data. It offers a wide range of features including:


Guide for Lingnan Data Repository

Need help with Lingnan Data Repository? The Library has created a guide for Lingnan Data Repository that guides you through depositing, publishing, sharing, and reusing data within the platform. Explore our self-help guide now for practical tips and step-by-step instructions on using Lingnan Data Repository!

Best Practices for Data Sharing

When sharing your data, you should make it as FAIR as possible to maximize its usefulness. Here are some best practices for data sharing:

  1. Check the data sharing policies of your funder & publisher:
  2. Provide rich metadata for your data:
  3. Use an open and common format to share your dataset:
  4. Give your data a clear license:

For more information about Data Sharing, please visit our Data Sharing LibGuide.