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Library Notice

Publishing OA helps to advance discovery by allowing everyone to access your outputs with no further cost. There are multiple channels that researchers can publish their work as OA:


Types of Open Access

There are two key OA publishing routes - Gold OA and Green OA.

Gold OA
Green OA
Article Version
(Learn more about Article Version)
Final Published Version Author Manuscript (Pre-print / Post-print)
Timing Immediate open access with articles made freely available at the point of publication Often deferred open access, in accordance with publisher embargo periods (normally 12 to 24 months)
Cost Usually requires a payment of Article Processing Charge (APC)* to publish an article No additional cost to author
Location Open Access or Hybrid Journal Online repository (subject or institutional), archive or website (Learn more about Self-archiving)
(Learn more about Licensing)
Less stringout licensing restrictions to maximize access, re-use and dissemination Flexible licensing options that allow for more author control over his/her work

*APC: An article processing charge (APC), also known as a publication fee, is a fee which involved when making a work available as open access (OA), in either a full OA journal or in a hybrid journal. This fee may be paid by the author, the author's institution, or their research funder.


More types of OA

Hybrid OA

  • Similar with Gold OA
  • The main difference with Gold OA is they only appear in subscription based journals
  • Publishers will offer authors to pay a fee for the individual article open access in an subscription-based journal
Platinum/Diamond OA

  • Similar with Gold OA
  • The main difference with Gold OA is no article processing charges or publication fees for authors
  • They are usually financed by a university or research organization
Bronze OA

  • No OA fee is needed but only the publisher chooses to make a publication freely available to read
  • The publisher can stop OA at any time
  • Has no Creative Commons license